
TERM 2 -
WEEK 8 -

Week 7 - 

Week 6 - TV Shopping - We have looked at a few TV shopping show this week and are gathering word that can be used to entice a person to buy a product.

Rhetorical Questions??? A new concept for some of our students.

Week 5 - We began our speaking and listening presentations this week.

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Connor, Ella, Olivia and Laura. Who received a Millennium Helmet Certificate for Spellodrome.

Hi Everyone!

With NAPLAN behind us we are starting our new unit of work. This term we are learning to be persuasive.

Our first step is looking at advertising. This week we have looked at adverts for kids.
Breakfast cereals like Kellogs Fruit Loops and Vita-Gummi's.

We are discussing who the ad's are aimed at and what techniques they are using to entice the audience.

** Try discussing these at home. We are trying use terms like target audience and identify the persuasive words the advert uses.

Week 3 - Naplan Week.

Week 2 - Back to School and Working Hard

This week we have been revising everything we have learnt since Term 1.
The aim our Unit last term was on how authors elicit emotions from their readers.
We have explored, mood, tone and figurative language. We have learned about how lines and colours help to enhance the mood of our stories.

We have practiced our planning and paragraphing.
This will help guide and support us when we write Narratives

Sizzling Start: (an exciting and attention grabbing introduction.)
Back fill: (The essential details that can be boring and uninteresting when written at the start.)
Pebble: (The start of our complication - may just be a small problem.)
Rock: (The problem has grown or gotten worse.)
Boulder: (The height of the complication - the worst it can get.)
Exciting Ending: (The resolution/ending to the story. This will explain how the problem is solved or resolved.)


This week we looked at how our pictures or illustrations and how they enhance our stories.


Emotions -

We have been learning about how authors elicit emotions from their readers.
We have learnt about emotive language.
Brainstormed synonyms for happy, sad, scared and worried.

This week we have looked at how illustrators use colour and lines to support the story.
We discussed how lines can influence our pictures. Angry lines are sharp and straight. Sad lines curve down. Frightened lines are 'crazy' and frazzled looking.

We created emotions in our 'empty head' proforma.  


Fish Outta Water –
The Fish Outta Water show was pretty cool. The show was about a girl named Shelly who had did a timeline about the Olympics. She got some kids to get up and help her, she also had a massive book which she was trying to get all the information from. She did lots of tricks that were really cool. Skyla.

I liked the Fish Outta Water performance because she taught us about the Olympics and how the Olympics started. My favourite part was when she acted out the first Olympics. Aidan.

The Fish Outta Water is a performance about the Olympics. The lady that did the show used backflips and front flips and tricks that you would see in the circus to explain about the Olympics. It was funny because you never knew what she was going to do next. The best part was watching her do the cool tricks. Ella.

Tongue Twisters
Ten twisty toffees ten ten ten tiny tea cups.
Silly sheep silly sheep like to sleep they don’t make a peep they just like to sleep.
Cool cars cook cool cars chartering.
Sizzling sausages sizzling on the sizzling barbeque.
Cool Cody cooks cool Cody cookie at the Cool Cody Store.
Bree the braiding girl went back to the braiding girl shop.
Empathy empathy put yourself in a place like me.
Aliviah ate an apple at the apple store.

Laura like lollies, Lift and lots of lolly pops.

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